Monday, November 24, 2008

PVACR part of "Bringing in the Green" Expo, Dec. 6

Pioneer Valley Advocates for Commuter Rail is joining a variety of green companies and organizations to help show people how they can save money while they help save the environment.

The first ever "Bringing in the Green" Exposition in East Longmeadow will be taking place Dec. 6 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Council on Aging, located at 328 North Main St.

We'll be collecting signatures in support of bringing commuter rail to the region and educating people about the many benefits of commuter rail, to the environment, our economy, and everyone who lives in the area.

Please stop by and send some friends our way!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Western Mass. must be part of commuter rail service
by Nancy Considine
To the editor:

Praise to Governor Patrick for wanting better planning for expansion projects in the state's transport system, especially for commuter rail service. He outlined his intentions in a statement Nov. 13, but excluded any mention of planning for commuter rail service for western Massachusetts.

Governor Patrick suggests that new agencies make a "realistic plan." If so, then those agencies must make provisions for service to the communities here in the western part of the state. I suggest, specifically, that any new planning include the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield project being supported by the Pioneer Valley Advocates for Commuter Rail.

Already in Connecticut's transportation plan is commuter rail service from New Haven/Hartford into Springfield. Massachusetts is being asked to contribute 10 percent, or an estimated $30 million dollars, of the project's cost. Connecticut has pledged to pay 90 percent of the project cost for commuter rail service terminating in Springfield. If Massachusetts does not appropriate this money, the commuter trains will come to Springfield, turn around, head back to Connecticut, but will not open their doors so that workers, students, commuters and visitors may ride.

The Advocates for Commuter Rail encourage Massachusetts to pledge the 10 percent of costs now so that this needed service will be in effect by 2011-2012. This volunteer group also encourages a feasibility study for commuter rail service in the "Knowledge Corridor" to provide inexpensive and accessible rail travel between Springfield and White River Junction, Vt.

Pioneer Valley Advocates estimate that immediately the commuter rail project from New Haven/Hartford/Springfield will create new jobs, stimulate new economic activity and importantly improve air quality by taking cars off the highways. Trains help cut the region's carbon emissions.

Readers can find more information about Pioneer Valley Advocates of Commuter Rail on its Web page:

Nancy Considine


Hello everyone,

Thank you for your continued support for bringing commuter rail and
all of its benefits to the Pioneer Valley region. The New Haven-
Hartford-Springfield (NHHS) commuter rail project has gained a
tenuous "toe-hold" in the MA budget process. As we all know, though,
projects have a way of getting put on the back burner or cut all
together if clear, strong support doesn't ring out.

Please help ensure that this region gets all the benefits we need to
thrive (not just hang on!) – for our economy, the environment, and
ourselves as commuters and travelers.

Come see us at a meeting or outreach event. And, please, if you have
some time, materials, or money to pitch in to make these efforts
successful, let us know!

Dec. 6, 2008, 10:00a-2:00p – "Bringing in the Green" Exposition --
Hosted by East Longmeadow Green Committee, this is a great
opportunity to highlight the environmental benefits of commuter rail
and gather petition signatures. Where: Council on Aging, 328 North
Pleasant Street, East Longmeadow, MA 01028.

Dec. 8, 6:00p – ConnDOT Public Scoping Hearing for New Haven-Hartford-
Springfield (NHHS) Commuter Rail service – Hearings for the
preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for proposed
improvements for the NHHS service. Where: TD Banknorth Conference
Center, 1441 Main Street, Springfield, MA.

Dec. 17, 7:30-9:00p – PVACR Monthly Meeting – Enjoy the company of
fellow supporters and help us plan activities for outreach to
businesses and green groups in early 2009. East Longmeadow Library,
60 Center Square, East Longmeadow, MA, 01028

Jan. 24-25, 2009, TBD – Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Show –
We're making plans to be involved in this amazing annual show that
draws huge crowds of passionate rail fans. Where: The "Big E",
Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds, Memorial Avenue, West
Springfield MA. 01089

Please keep giving us your ideas and feedback – and let your
government representatives know why you support commuter rail:
In Oct., PVACR participated in the MA Executive Office Of
Transportation's Workshop. They want to hear from more rail
supporters. Please send your story about why we need commuter rail in
Western MA to and check out to receive their newsletter.
As always, we appreciate being copied on your letters and emails of
support when possible.

Please share this information with friends and family who are ready
for this region to rev up again!

THANK YOU and have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving

Dodd and Region

Sen. Dodd knows the issue is regional:

"Dodd said that he would try to have the transportation station included in an economic stimulus package planned for late January / early February."

"Dodd commented that there was a growing bipartisan consensus on the need to invest in infrastructure, “Yesterday, I attended a meeting at the American Enterprise Institute, a fairly conservative think tank. The way they talked about infrastructure, I could have sworn that I was at an AFL-CIO meeting.” According to Dodd, Congress plans to utilize a bottom-up approach that concentrates infrastructure funding on local government projects, like the multi-modal transportation center."

"Senator Dodd stressed the importance of having Longmeadow and East Longmeadow officials involve members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation to buttress the argument that this is a regional issue."