John R. Stilgoe: ‘Train travel will supplant highway and air travel in the next few decades. Furthermore, electric railroads will increasingly be used to distribute freight items as well as mail and express packages.’
Staff photo Will Nunnally/Harvard News Office
It seems responses fall into 3 major types: whole-hearted supporters (a majority), supportive skeptics, and critics. Among the supportive skpetics, there are lots of questions about details. One poster engaged in a discussion, even seeking out information (like that article above). That is what the discussion needs--more information, not less. Among the critics, there are reminders that we have buses. Buses and cars and planes don't solve all transportation problems. Neither does rail--BUT if we avoid using one mode because we are worried about the impact on another, that does us a disservice. Historically, positive developments have resulted in regions with commuter rail. Our region does not have a good public transportation system. It's getting better, but too slowly.