Thursday, February 28, 2008

Businesses coming...

There are two interesting stories in the news: Liberty Mutual and Socaplast USA.

SPRINGFIELD, Mass.—Liberty Mutual Group announced plans Thursday to hire up to 300 people for a new Springfield office, the second business to announce expansion plans in the city in as many days.........

SPRINGFIELD - Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and economic development officials yesterday praised plans by a Belgian company to open a recycling facility in Indian Orchard, investing $3.4 million and creating about 15 full-time jobs.

Socaplast USA, expects to begin operations in May, in a warehouse at the Solutia Inc. business park at 730 Worcester St., set to become its United States headquarters. Raf van der Perre, chief executive officer of Socaplast Belgium, was among officials participating in yesterday's announcement at City Hall. ......

It seems they'd benefit from having reliable transportation infrastucture so that employees could get to and from work in a fast, reliable way.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

so far

What a busy time!

* PVACR members handed leaflets to about 150 commuters in Enfield this morning.
* We've had good conversations with companies around the region
* We've had good discussions with local muncipal and state leaders

And all have been positive.


It's also good to see towns planning :
Wallingford to start commuter line plannning committeeMeriden Record-Journal - Meriden,CT,USAWALLINGFORD - The Town Council will create a committee that will consider how the town could begin planning for the upcoming commuter rail line. ...