UrbanCompass.net has had terrific coverage of all things Springfield. Of note to Commuter Rail advocates, however, is the discussion on the recent Globe article (see below).
* and a note about the "500 million" figure, that it would "cost over $500,000 per person to add 800 new commuters to the proposed service over a 14 year period." This figure is devised by including CT's contribution (dividing ridership by the total cost of project). It is inaccurate to indicate that MA will pay this amount.
****MA will only contribute 30 million for the construction, and about 2mil for annual operating.****
And even CT's total project cost (about 270m) includes a 40% contingency built in. They have to spend more on stations and infrastructure than MA does.
CT is going ahead with the NHHS line. If, due to Massachusetts' apathy, Enfield is the end of the line, Springfield will lose.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Suburb of NewYorSton*

How do the builders of a better Springfield get around? Do they continue to pollute the region?
Fortunately it won’t cost the Commonwealth of Massachusetts “hundreds of millions of dollars” to connect Springfield to the State of Connecticut’s a commuter rail system to alleviate the congestion along I-91, thus lessening the pollution that creates the an area with some of the worst air quality in the nation. It only would cost $30 million. Far cheaper than other rail options on the table in our Commonwealth. Perhaps the Rappaport Institute for Greater BOSTON does not include enough focus on Western concerns.
Professor Glaeser’s map of possibilities is limited. “Human capital” needs transportation too. Looking only at Springfield, and failing to connect the dots prevents him from seeing the real opportunities rail presents. If we see the connections Springfield makes to Hartford, and connect it to New Haven, we then see the rail line that connects New York to Boston. Keeping us disconnected to New York and Boston will NOT make entrepreneurs want to move here. Allowing those innovators to have a fast, reliable and easy connection to their former networks WILL make them want to move here, as the Rhode Island Economic Policy Council has found in its network studies.
Rail is one part of economic development and environmental responsibility. Society is far too complex for us to pretend there is only one solution to problems.
Professor Glaeser’s map of possibilities is limited. “Human capital” needs transportation too. Looking only at Springfield, and failing to connect the dots prevents him from seeing the real opportunities rail presents. If we see the connections Springfield makes to Hartford, and connect it to New Haven, we then see the rail line that connects New York to Boston. Keeping us disconnected to New York and Boston will NOT make entrepreneurs want to move here. Allowing those innovators to have a fast, reliable and easy connection to their former networks WILL make them want to move here, as the Rhode Island Economic Policy Council has found in its network studies.
Rail is one part of economic development and environmental responsibility. Society is far too complex for us to pretend there is only one solution to problems.
*The New York-Boston "mega region"
Saturday, October 20, 2007
"Everything you do affects your neighbor and everything your neighbor does affects you."
At a recent conference in CT, Speakers talked of regionalism and the benefits of rail.
"CHESTER - Connecticut cities and towns need to work together to focus on the future of the state instead of warring against each other, according to experts speaking at the 21st annual Rockfall Symposium Friday morning. The symposium included four experts who spoke to an audience in excess of 100 people from Middlesex County. Hosted by the Rockfall Foundation of Middletown."
The second speaker was the main proponent of rail: "W. David LeVasseur, undersecretary of intergovernmental policy at the Office of Policy and Management for the state of Connecticut. LeVasseur's staff is responsible for the preparation and submission of the Conservation and Development Policies Plan for Connecticut for 2005 to 2010."
"A large part of LeVasseur's presentation covered the potential growth involved in restoring the commuter train from New Haven to Springfield, Mass., and he says he is excited about the work his agency is doing with regional governments."The governors of New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts are working to look at how to enhance commuter and freight mobility throughout the region. If Rhode Island does their part and we do our part, we would be able to take a commuter rail as far as Pennsylvania ... This would be such an economic advantage for this state.' [AND FOR THE REGION!!--pvacr]
LeVasseur cited lack of a bridge over the Hudson River for large trucks as creating an excessive amount of traffic on Connecticut roads, and made several suggestions for improving the infrastructure of the state based on an executive order issued by Governor M. Jodi Rell. The order creates a basis to pull communities together and pushes a statewide effort to conserve and develop areas around the region."The goal is to coordinate efforts among state agencies," LeVasseur said. "We need to get these things in a room and put peoples' heads together.""
Other speakers included
* Myron Orfield. Apparently, "the most influential social demographer in America's burgeoning regional movement." An expert in geographic information systems (GIS) and the president and founder of Ameregis, a research and GIS firm based in Minnesota, he has done work on local, state and federal levels to gauge and report on growth and changes in cities and towns across the country."
Orfield had the quote of the day: "Everything you do affects your neighbor and everything your neighbor does affects you."
* Maureen Hart, "introduced as the president of sustainable measures and an internationally recognized expert on indicators of sustainable development. Hart is the author of the book "Guide to Sustainable Community Indicators," a frequently referenced book by communities and organizations looking to measure long-term progress."
Hart: "'Historically, we've measured things on a short scale ... we need to begin by looking at our natural resources, then go from there.' Hart illustrated an intricate connection between natural resources to government, to communities, and showed the balance needed to sustain each of these levels of development."
Further, "'Getting people involved is important ... start a dialogue and get people talking,' she said."
* Christine Nelson, AICP. town planner for Old Saybrook, CT. "Nelson, born in Meriden and raised in the area of Middlesex County, offered suggestions for planning for a better future, including some strategies the town of Old Saybrook has adopted."
"CHESTER - Connecticut cities and towns need to work together to focus on the future of the state instead of warring against each other, according to experts speaking at the 21st annual Rockfall Symposium Friday morning. The symposium included four experts who spoke to an audience in excess of 100 people from Middlesex County. Hosted by the Rockfall Foundation of Middletown."
The second speaker was the main proponent of rail: "W. David LeVasseur, undersecretary of intergovernmental policy at the Office of Policy and Management for the state of Connecticut. LeVasseur's staff is responsible for the preparation and submission of the Conservation and Development Policies Plan for Connecticut for 2005 to 2010."
"A large part of LeVasseur's presentation covered the potential growth involved in restoring the commuter train from New Haven to Springfield, Mass., and he says he is excited about the work his agency is doing with regional governments."The governors of New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts are working to look at how to enhance commuter and freight mobility throughout the region. If Rhode Island does their part and we do our part, we would be able to take a commuter rail as far as Pennsylvania ... This would be such an economic advantage for this state.' [AND FOR THE REGION!!--pvacr]
LeVasseur cited lack of a bridge over the Hudson River for large trucks as creating an excessive amount of traffic on Connecticut roads, and made several suggestions for improving the infrastructure of the state based on an executive order issued by Governor M. Jodi Rell. The order creates a basis to pull communities together and pushes a statewide effort to conserve and develop areas around the region."The goal is to coordinate efforts among state agencies," LeVasseur said. "We need to get these things in a room and put peoples' heads together.""
Other speakers included
* Myron Orfield. Apparently, "the most influential social demographer in America's burgeoning regional movement." An expert in geographic information systems (GIS) and the president and founder of Ameregis, a research and GIS firm based in Minnesota, he has done work on local, state and federal levels to gauge and report on growth and changes in cities and towns across the country."
Orfield had the quote of the day: "Everything you do affects your neighbor and everything your neighbor does affects you."
* Maureen Hart, "introduced as the president of sustainable measures and an internationally recognized expert on indicators of sustainable development. Hart is the author of the book "Guide to Sustainable Community Indicators," a frequently referenced book by communities and organizations looking to measure long-term progress."
Hart: "'Historically, we've measured things on a short scale ... we need to begin by looking at our natural resources, then go from there.' Hart illustrated an intricate connection between natural resources to government, to communities, and showed the balance needed to sustain each of these levels of development."
Further, "'Getting people involved is important ... start a dialogue and get people talking,' she said."
* Christine Nelson, AICP. town planner for Old Saybrook, CT. "Nelson, born in Meriden and raised in the area of Middlesex County, offered suggestions for planning for a better future, including some strategies the town of Old Saybrook has adopted."
economic development,
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Good bond rating for CT portion of NHHS line
Good news about the financial stability of the CT bonds for the NHHS line (emphasis mine):
"NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fitch Ratings assigns an 'AA-' rating to Connecticut's (the state) $250 million special tax obligation bonds (transportation infrastructure purposes), 2007 series A. Also, Fitch affirms the 'AA-' on $2.1 billion outstanding parity senior lien bonds. The bonds will sell on or about Oct. 9 via negotiation with a syndicate led by Banc of America Securities LLC. The bonds mature Aug. 1, 2008-2027, with call provisions yet to be determined.
At present the state has $2.2 billion in senior lien bonds, and $590 million in second lien bonds (rated 'AAA/F1+' by Fitch based on insurance and credit enhancement) outstanding, with $2.3 billion in authorized but unissued debt prior to this issue. Authorizations have grown substantially in recent years, with the legislature adjusting pledged revenues to support new bonding. In fiscal 2005, $1.3 billion was authorized for expanded transportation capital needs, notably for new rail cars on the Metro North New Haven line; the plan was supported by a $1 per ticket surcharge on rail users. In fiscal 2006, the legislature authorized an additional $1 billion, including for commuter rail between New Haven and Springfield, Mass. The legislature shifted additional oil companies tax collections to the special transportation fund to cover the expanded authorization."
It seems that bond rating companies see the plan as a good deal....now, when will MA commit to getting on board?
"NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fitch Ratings assigns an 'AA-' rating to Connecticut's (the state) $250 million special tax obligation bonds (transportation infrastructure purposes), 2007 series A. Also, Fitch affirms the 'AA-' on $2.1 billion outstanding parity senior lien bonds. The bonds will sell on or about Oct. 9 via negotiation with a syndicate led by Banc of America Securities LLC. The bonds mature Aug. 1, 2008-2027, with call provisions yet to be determined.
At present the state has $2.2 billion in senior lien bonds, and $590 million in second lien bonds (rated 'AAA/F1+' by Fitch based on insurance and credit enhancement) outstanding, with $2.3 billion in authorized but unissued debt prior to this issue. Authorizations have grown substantially in recent years, with the legislature adjusting pledged revenues to support new bonding. In fiscal 2005, $1.3 billion was authorized for expanded transportation capital needs, notably for new rail cars on the Metro North New Haven line; the plan was supported by a $1 per ticket surcharge on rail users. In fiscal 2006, the legislature authorized an additional $1 billion, including for commuter rail between New Haven and Springfield, Mass. The legislature shifted additional oil companies tax collections to the special transportation fund to cover the expanded authorization."
It seems that bond rating companies see the plan as a good deal....now, when will MA commit to getting on board?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Pioneer Valley Fact of the Day:
Our Pioneer Valley Region's air quality is among the WORST in the nation.
Source: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission _Valley Vision 2_ Report, endorsed by most city/town officials in our region.
Air doesn't respect town or state borders.....another reason to work together for rail.
The Urban Land Institute has picked up our editorial:
NEXT MEETING: Sept. 20, 2007. Contact pvacr@yahoo.com for details.
Our Pioneer Valley Region's air quality is among the WORST in the nation.
Source: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission _Valley Vision 2_ Report, endorsed by most city/town officials in our region.
Air doesn't respect town or state borders.....another reason to work together for rail.
The Urban Land Institute has picked up our editorial:
NEXT MEETING: Sept. 20, 2007. Contact pvacr@yahoo.com for details.
air quality,
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Federal funding for WMASS
Amtrak's funding is safe, thanks to Rep. Olver.
"By a 328-94 vote, the House protected Amtrak's funding. In introducing the legislation, Olver said that, for the first time, the bill includes $50 million for state matching grants for intercity passenger rail systems and another $35 million for the rail line relocation and improvement program.
The bill protects the $38 million Congress has already approved for the Union Station project in Springfield, but the funding is frozen by the Federal Transit Authority until city officials present an economically viable project to the federal agency. A hotel, shops and transportation center are proposed for the project.
U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal, D-Springfield, said preserving those funds is critical. "I can't overstate how important it is to protect this money. They can't give it away," Neal said. "John Olver did a good job on this for us." "
"By a 328-94 vote, the House protected Amtrak's funding. In introducing the legislation, Olver said that, for the first time, the bill includes $50 million for state matching grants for intercity passenger rail systems and another $35 million for the rail line relocation and improvement program.
The bill protects the $38 million Congress has already approved for the Union Station project in Springfield, but the funding is frozen by the Federal Transit Authority until city officials present an economically viable project to the federal agency. A hotel, shops and transportation center are proposed for the project.
U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal, D-Springfield, said preserving those funds is critical. "I can't overstate how important it is to protect this money. They can't give it away," Neal said. "John Olver did a good job on this for us." "
Saturday, June 30, 2007
I sent the transportation summary to some local leaders, members of PVACR, and Heather Brandon, blogger at urbancompass.net, who sent it to Tim Brennan, Executive Director of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission. He responded (and I've received his permission to share those supplementary comments here).....
"1) The Connecticut River is the reason for the region we now live in and it was in the first stage of settlement the principal mode of transportation connecting us on the north-south axis that continues to shape our contemporary settlement and travel patterns.
2) In the post rail era that came after WW II we replicated the north-south rail and trolley links with a primary ribbon of asphalt we now know as Route I-91. I-91 is our region's dominant transportation corridor and the central nervous system in many respects of the Pioneer Valley.
3) In my plea that we reinvent our approach, I am especially urging that we not focus on individual modes but rather on the connections between and among modes that can leverage a much more productive and user friendly transportation system that can be sustainable over time. This is an imperative as the era of new highway construction is largely over and precisely why we need to recapture and reuse the rail network we've too long ignored if not discarded.
4) We need new and innovative transportation governance systems for more than rail if the emerging Knowledge Corridor is to become the building block of our 21st Century region. A public-private governance system for Bradley International Airport is a premiere example of a need to cooperate with the future and recognize that our economic region is an interstate
region that does not conform to political boundaries but in a real sense is increasingly
5) Brining commuter rail service to Springfield is undeniably a major and positive change agent for the City and ultimately the interstate region of which it is a part. The New England examples cited at the summit such as Portland, Maine; Providence, Rhode Island; Stamford, Connecticut
and more recently Worcester and Brockton, Massachusetts all provide compelling arguments why we need to invest in commuter rail as means to help achieve a sustainable and prosperous future both short and longer range.
6)The bottom line for me is that if we choose to connect we're choosing to compete and be a player in the 21st century global economy. We've got an impressive set of transportation and other assets to leverage to advantage--we now need the vision, courage and will to translate
our words into action."
"1) The Connecticut River is the reason for the region we now live in and it was in the first stage of settlement the principal mode of transportation connecting us on the north-south axis that continues to shape our contemporary settlement and travel patterns.
2) In the post rail era that came after WW II we replicated the north-south rail and trolley links with a primary ribbon of asphalt we now know as Route I-91. I-91 is our region's dominant transportation corridor and the central nervous system in many respects of the Pioneer Valley.
3) In my plea that we reinvent our approach, I am especially urging that we not focus on individual modes but rather on the connections between and among modes that can leverage a much more productive and user friendly transportation system that can be sustainable over time. This is an imperative as the era of new highway construction is largely over and precisely why we need to recapture and reuse the rail network we've too long ignored if not discarded.
4) We need new and innovative transportation governance systems for more than rail if the emerging Knowledge Corridor is to become the building block of our 21st Century region. A public-private governance system for Bradley International Airport is a premiere example of a need to cooperate with the future and recognize that our economic region is an interstate
region that does not conform to political boundaries but in a real sense is increasingly
5) Brining commuter rail service to Springfield is undeniably a major and positive change agent for the City and ultimately the interstate region of which it is a part. The New England examples cited at the summit such as Portland, Maine; Providence, Rhode Island; Stamford, Connecticut
and more recently Worcester and Brockton, Massachusetts all provide compelling arguments why we need to invest in commuter rail as means to help achieve a sustainable and prosperous future both short and longer range.
6)The bottom line for me is that if we choose to connect we're choosing to compete and be a player in the 21st century global economy. We've got an impressive set of transportation and other assets to leverage to advantage--we now need the vision, courage and will to translate
our words into action."
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Transportation Summit Summary
The goal of a regional transportation agency would be to harness our region’s power and connect it for increased growth. The NHHS line is a small part of this process. Eventually, the Boston-Springfield-Albany line, Vermont to Montreal, CT shore line rail systems will provide our region with transportation of goods and people that could rival Europe (after all, we are about the same size).
The Highlights SUMMARY:
Lt. Governor Tim Murray said that we should have an “integrated, seamless transportation network” and Rhode Island Lt. Governor Elizabeth Roberts noted that the economic interdependence of our region transcends state boundaries. Both agreed that rail and bus are both part of the solution. Gov. Patrick would like to have a Mass Transit Card that allows pass holders to use it for PVTA buses, trains, and Peter Pan.
The last update to the MA state plan for rail was in 1988. It’s currently being updated.
Patricia Quinn, Executive Director of the “Downeaster” http://www.thedowneaster.com/ was a powerful example of what a good business manager can do for regional transportation. The Downeaster goes from Maine to Boston, and is the #1 rated commuter rail line in the nation. They make 4 round trips daily AND their planned 5th trip is currently a BUS! They partner with the local bus companies to offer a cooperative, integrated partnership of transportation. Passengers can buy 1 ticket that can get them on the bus or the train.
ALL modes of transportation (bus or rail) are interested in the same goal: relief of congestion. “Just as you see McDonald's and Burger King in proximity” they both generate increased business for both—rail & bus can coexist and increase business for both. SACO, ME is a spot on the line, and a developer is willing to invest $80 Million simply because the rail line is there.
She noted that ALL modes of transportation are subsidized. Highways are subsidized the most (she had a great chart I will ask her for but for now: http://www.lightrailnow.org/myths/m_000010.htm ). Aviation is 2nd most, and trains receive the lowest subsidy. In Maine, TrainRiders Northeast collected 90,000 signatures in support. [We have a challenge ahead of us.]
Peter Picknelly of Peter Pan bus lines thanked Lt. Governor Murray for bringing him to the table, that too often leaders have ignored the inner city bus companies. He noted that mass transit strategies need to include the inner city bus. He claimed that they carry more passengers than all other mass transportation modes, that buses provide the safest, most fuel efficient transportation of all modes. He “doesn’t wholly embrace” a stronger commuter rail system but he’s “not rejecting it.” He added that he was cautiously going to examine it. He thought that heavily publicly subsidized trains would potentially have a negative impact on companies. That trains are inefficient and costly. That ridership will come from existing riders of buses [not clear how]. That for the $9mil deficit [no citation] all drivers in the state could be given a bus ticket [not clear about how many tickets for how many work days].
He thought alternatives (like HOV lanes) are important, and that “many academics” call rail “antiquated technology” He cited a Globe guest editorial and a Rappaport Institute study about greater Boston rail's proposed New Bedford line. [of note: the findings in that report are not necessarily generalizable to areas like the Pioneer Valley] "some land use patterns originally created by commuter rail lines have had positive and enduring impacts. Many of those
areas are often denser, more affl uent, and have higher rates of transit ridership, regardless of whether they currently have commuter rail service" (p.6) also that "efforts to increase density, reduce sprawl, and promote transit should start with local or regional land use policies and then link those policies with transportation plans." ]
Picknelly said that “if the public wills it” then bus companies should be consulted as an essential part of the process. In fact, he proposed to Amtrak that Peter Pan operate the rail system.
Robert Furniss, VP of Bombardier, the Montreal based global train manufacturer, said that current technology is moving forward. Buses are part of the solution, but developers will invest where there the tracks are. They would like to see more “high capacity multi-level coaches” which add greater revenue & high ridership (so to speak), with greater accessibility and a mid level for bikes. See also http://www.bombardier.com/en/1_0/1_19/index.html.
Albert Martin, the new Deputy Commissioner for the state Department of Transportation (DOT) in Connecticut. Commuter rail is the missing component of our region’s transportation choices. Mass transit provides solutions to climate change, congestion, and air pollution…..and it benefits by aiding economic development too. The goal is to have Transit Oriented Development (TOD) to curb sprawl (which overwhelms local infrastructures, fragments the landscape, consumes natural resources, wastes energy, and limits economic development). CT is dedicated to long term public-private collaboration, to increase tax revenue, and ensure greater access to the work force (our labor market overlaps with other regions).
Wendy Stern, MA Executive Office of Transportation Undersecretary for Planning and Program Development, wants a transportation system for the 21st century. She reminded us of the collaboration rail can have with buses. This is not a 1-size fits all solution. On March 28, the EOT released a report that cited the poor conditions of our roads and bridges.
The top priority will be fixing the SYSTEM, not just the problems. MA’s rail transportation agenda includes partnering with CT and RI and the federal government to fix our transportation problem. Phase 1 of the Boston-Springfield Hartford rail study is being funded already (MA has given the PVPC $200 K, and Sen. Olver has gotten an earmark to study this line). The state rail plan will be updated to resolve issues and provide a basis for policy.
Lyle Wray, of the Executive Director of the Capitol Region Council of Governments based in Hartford, Connecticut stressed the importance of thinking regionally. Springfield-Hartford is nested within Southern New England, nested within the Northeast region. We don’t utilize Quebec’s hydropower, we don’t leverage the Hartford-Springfield alliance as we should. As a region, we need decision making and policy capacity to go to Washington DC to argue for $$$. The Western states have a regional organization, and they are getting more money than they know what to do with, yet our Northeast region has received $0. We have a sense of urgency that comes with competition.
There are 300 million US residents. And also 300m highly skilled workers in the European Union, India, and China (EACH). They are putting hundreds of billions into infrastructure. In air traffic controls alone, the Bangkok airport far exceeds our US air traffic controls—yet a US based company (Raytheon) created the technology. Competitiveness, quality of life and transportation are part of the same puzzle. Transit-oriented development is the way to go—and buses are part of that—in fact we need to improve our bus system (e.g. Europe’s buses are clean, easy, and contemporary). And we ought to connect to the $1 Trillion economy in New York.
Kip Bergstrom, Executive Director of the RI Economic Policy Council stressed an economic case for higher speed rail in the Northeast Corridor. He refuted something Mr. Picknelly said, in a collaborative way, but I’ll be darned if I can remember…… He provided a new argument for rail: High speed rail “can help combine the diverse economic capabilities of the New York/Boston Super Region or Northeast Megaregion, by integrating contiguous labor markets and thereby extending face-to face innovation networks. Such aggregation of economic capabilities at the super regional or megregion scale will give us the sustainable competitive advantage.”
He noted that the world is both “flat in terms of global competition, and peaked in terms of the distribution of capability, in particular the capability for innovation.” Knowledge-based jobs require face to face innovation. The Northeast is in a particularly important area for innovation capability. Innovation networks are the connections between inventors, as studied by Lee Fleming of the Harvard Business School (part of that study involves the concept of the “small world”)
“the social network of innovators is a “small world,” with various clusters of people interconnected by different “gatekeepers,” individuals who bridge one group with another. Historically, engineers and scientists tended to work within local clusters of collaboration that were isolated within a company. Recently, though, people have become increasingly mobile, changing jobs with greater frequency, and these formerly isolated clusters have begun to interconnect into larger networks through which information flows more freely between companies. Such environments provide both strategic opportunity and potential threat: They can increase creativity within a company, but they also aid in the diffusion of creative knowledge to other firms through personnel and knowledge transfer. The trick, then, is to manage innovation in ways that exploit the opportunities while minimizing the risks.” (Fleming)
Bergstrom notes that these networks CANNOT just exist in virtual space….nonverbal communication is critical.
The Northeast Megaregion is particularly “tantalizing” because it has the highest aggregation of capability peak in the world….. **Bergstrom notes that we need HIGH SPEED rail…but higher speed will be a step in the right direction.
“The future of the megaregion as an economic unit lies largely in the hands of the two smaller, currently under-performing metros. For that reason, Hartford/Springfield and Philadelphia should logically be among the strongest champions of a high speed rail system in the Northeast Corridor” (emphasis HIS). Trains go faster than cars, another reason to support rail.
Hartford/Springfield could be the gatekeepers between NYC and Boston. High Speed Rail connecting us would allow the CT River Valley region in particular to become home to gatekeepers. WE have the MOST to gain from rail. Of note, “most of the other regions [in the US—and in Europe] cannot exploit high speed rail in the way that we can is in fact a very good reason for us to pursue it, as it would create a competitive advantage for us that would be hard to imitate.”
Tim Brennan, Executive Director of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission provided a look back. Geography is destiny: In the 1600s, the CT River provided the transportation. 1700s saw subsistence agriculture go by the way side. 1800s saw rail. Businessmen had vision, and in 1852 spent money to ensure that Springfield had the rail line going through it (that’s why Spfld is the bigger city than Northampton, who got on the rail later). In the 1900s roads squandered the rail network and right of way. Transportation is the “shaper of the future” and we need to reinvent our transportation system. Do we want to be on the bleeding or cutting edge of change?
3 lessons from the past
1) Transportation is the framework on which our region will be shaped. (not by boundaries of states)
2) we need to reinvent transportation
3) future is now
1) getting rid of transportation-mode silo mentality (cannot rely just on 1, or 2 modes)
2) engage all modes (don’t chuck capacity improvements)
3) way we finance transportation is broken (gas tax doesn’t have legs; hope it lasts until 2009—our gap in $$ prevents new projects from being developed)
4) Transportation logistics will lead us in the new economy (how do you move people and goods?)
5) recapture rail (ideally high speed)
6) move freight (use the inland rail port in our region—trucks/train connection)
7) need to reinvent for land use/clean air/clean energy/demographics—do you want kids to live here? To get jobs here? Keep young folks here.
8) New Governance system for rail—a sort of Northeast Economic Union
9) Connect with NYC
10) Use technology to maximum advantage.
Jim Repass of the National Corridors Initiative noted that often we hear that “the US is too big for rail”…….but Switzerland has rail…..and Southern New England has a greater population density than Switzerland.
The Highlights SUMMARY:
Lt. Governor Tim Murray said that we should have an “integrated, seamless transportation network” and Rhode Island Lt. Governor Elizabeth Roberts noted that the economic interdependence of our region transcends state boundaries. Both agreed that rail and bus are both part of the solution. Gov. Patrick would like to have a Mass Transit Card that allows pass holders to use it for PVTA buses, trains, and Peter Pan.
The last update to the MA state plan for rail was in 1988. It’s currently being updated.
Patricia Quinn, Executive Director of the “Downeaster” http://www.thedowneaster.com/ was a powerful example of what a good business manager can do for regional transportation. The Downeaster goes from Maine to Boston, and is the #1 rated commuter rail line in the nation. They make 4 round trips daily AND their planned 5th trip is currently a BUS! They partner with the local bus companies to offer a cooperative, integrated partnership of transportation. Passengers can buy 1 ticket that can get them on the bus or the train.
ALL modes of transportation (bus or rail) are interested in the same goal: relief of congestion. “Just as you see McDonald's and Burger King in proximity” they both generate increased business for both—rail & bus can coexist and increase business for both. SACO, ME is a spot on the line, and a developer is willing to invest $80 Million simply because the rail line is there.
She noted that ALL modes of transportation are subsidized. Highways are subsidized the most (she had a great chart I will ask her for but for now: http://www.lightrailnow.org/myths/m_000010.htm ). Aviation is 2nd most, and trains receive the lowest subsidy. In Maine, TrainRiders Northeast collected 90,000 signatures in support. [We have a challenge ahead of us.]
Peter Picknelly of Peter Pan bus lines thanked Lt. Governor Murray for bringing him to the table, that too often leaders have ignored the inner city bus companies. He noted that mass transit strategies need to include the inner city bus. He claimed that they carry more passengers than all other mass transportation modes, that buses provide the safest, most fuel efficient transportation of all modes. He “doesn’t wholly embrace” a stronger commuter rail system but he’s “not rejecting it.” He added that he was cautiously going to examine it. He thought that heavily publicly subsidized trains would potentially have a negative impact on companies. That trains are inefficient and costly. That ridership will come from existing riders of buses [not clear how]. That for the $9mil deficit [no citation] all drivers in the state could be given a bus ticket [not clear about how many tickets for how many work days].
He thought alternatives (like HOV lanes) are important, and that “many academics” call rail “antiquated technology” He cited a Globe guest editorial and a Rappaport Institute study about greater Boston rail's proposed New Bedford line. [of note: the findings in that report are not necessarily generalizable to areas like the Pioneer Valley] "some land use patterns originally created by commuter rail lines have had positive and enduring impacts. Many of those
areas are often denser, more affl uent, and have higher rates of transit ridership, regardless of whether they currently have commuter rail service" (p.6) also that "efforts to increase density, reduce sprawl, and promote transit should start with local or regional land use policies and then link those policies with transportation plans." ]
Picknelly said that “if the public wills it” then bus companies should be consulted as an essential part of the process. In fact, he proposed to Amtrak that Peter Pan operate the rail system.
Robert Furniss, VP of Bombardier, the Montreal based global train manufacturer, said that current technology is moving forward. Buses are part of the solution, but developers will invest where there the tracks are. They would like to see more “high capacity multi-level coaches” which add greater revenue & high ridership (so to speak), with greater accessibility and a mid level for bikes. See also http://www.bombardier.com/en/1_0/1_19/index.html.
Albert Martin, the new Deputy Commissioner for the state Department of Transportation (DOT) in Connecticut. Commuter rail is the missing component of our region’s transportation choices. Mass transit provides solutions to climate change, congestion, and air pollution…..and it benefits by aiding economic development too. The goal is to have Transit Oriented Development (TOD) to curb sprawl (which overwhelms local infrastructures, fragments the landscape, consumes natural resources, wastes energy, and limits economic development). CT is dedicated to long term public-private collaboration, to increase tax revenue, and ensure greater access to the work force (our labor market overlaps with other regions).
Wendy Stern, MA Executive Office of Transportation Undersecretary for Planning and Program Development, wants a transportation system for the 21st century. She reminded us of the collaboration rail can have with buses. This is not a 1-size fits all solution. On March 28, the EOT released a report that cited the poor conditions of our roads and bridges.
The top priority will be fixing the SYSTEM, not just the problems. MA’s rail transportation agenda includes partnering with CT and RI and the federal government to fix our transportation problem. Phase 1 of the Boston-Springfield Hartford rail study is being funded already (MA has given the PVPC $200 K, and Sen. Olver has gotten an earmark to study this line). The state rail plan will be updated to resolve issues and provide a basis for policy.
Lyle Wray, of the Executive Director of the Capitol Region Council of Governments based in Hartford, Connecticut stressed the importance of thinking regionally. Springfield-Hartford is nested within Southern New England, nested within the Northeast region. We don’t utilize Quebec’s hydropower, we don’t leverage the Hartford-Springfield alliance as we should. As a region, we need decision making and policy capacity to go to Washington DC to argue for $$$. The Western states have a regional organization, and they are getting more money than they know what to do with, yet our Northeast region has received $0. We have a sense of urgency that comes with competition.
There are 300 million US residents. And also 300m highly skilled workers in the European Union, India, and China (EACH). They are putting hundreds of billions into infrastructure. In air traffic controls alone, the Bangkok airport far exceeds our US air traffic controls—yet a US based company (Raytheon) created the technology. Competitiveness, quality of life and transportation are part of the same puzzle. Transit-oriented development is the way to go—and buses are part of that—in fact we need to improve our bus system (e.g. Europe’s buses are clean, easy, and contemporary). And we ought to connect to the $1 Trillion economy in New York.
Kip Bergstrom, Executive Director of the RI Economic Policy Council stressed an economic case for higher speed rail in the Northeast Corridor. He refuted something Mr. Picknelly said, in a collaborative way, but I’ll be darned if I can remember…… He provided a new argument for rail: High speed rail “can help combine the diverse economic capabilities of the New York/Boston Super Region or Northeast Megaregion, by integrating contiguous labor markets and thereby extending face-to face innovation networks. Such aggregation of economic capabilities at the super regional or megregion scale will give us the sustainable competitive advantage.”
He noted that the world is both “flat in terms of global competition, and peaked in terms of the distribution of capability, in particular the capability for innovation.” Knowledge-based jobs require face to face innovation. The Northeast is in a particularly important area for innovation capability. Innovation networks are the connections between inventors, as studied by Lee Fleming of the Harvard Business School (part of that study involves the concept of the “small world”)
“the social network of innovators is a “small world,” with various clusters of people interconnected by different “gatekeepers,” individuals who bridge one group with another. Historically, engineers and scientists tended to work within local clusters of collaboration that were isolated within a company. Recently, though, people have become increasingly mobile, changing jobs with greater frequency, and these formerly isolated clusters have begun to interconnect into larger networks through which information flows more freely between companies. Such environments provide both strategic opportunity and potential threat: They can increase creativity within a company, but they also aid in the diffusion of creative knowledge to other firms through personnel and knowledge transfer. The trick, then, is to manage innovation in ways that exploit the opportunities while minimizing the risks.” (Fleming)
Bergstrom notes that these networks CANNOT just exist in virtual space….nonverbal communication is critical.
The Northeast Megaregion is particularly “tantalizing” because it has the highest aggregation of capability peak in the world….. **Bergstrom notes that we need HIGH SPEED rail…but higher speed will be a step in the right direction.
“The future of the megaregion as an economic unit lies largely in the hands of the two smaller, currently under-performing metros. For that reason, Hartford/Springfield and Philadelphia should logically be among the strongest champions of a high speed rail system in the Northeast Corridor” (emphasis HIS). Trains go faster than cars, another reason to support rail.
Hartford/Springfield could be the gatekeepers between NYC and Boston. High Speed Rail connecting us would allow the CT River Valley region in particular to become home to gatekeepers. WE have the MOST to gain from rail. Of note, “most of the other regions [in the US—and in Europe] cannot exploit high speed rail in the way that we can is in fact a very good reason for us to pursue it, as it would create a competitive advantage for us that would be hard to imitate.”
Tim Brennan, Executive Director of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission provided a look back. Geography is destiny: In the 1600s, the CT River provided the transportation. 1700s saw subsistence agriculture go by the way side. 1800s saw rail. Businessmen had vision, and in 1852 spent money to ensure that Springfield had the rail line going through it (that’s why Spfld is the bigger city than Northampton, who got on the rail later). In the 1900s roads squandered the rail network and right of way. Transportation is the “shaper of the future” and we need to reinvent our transportation system. Do we want to be on the bleeding or cutting edge of change?
3 lessons from the past
1) Transportation is the framework on which our region will be shaped. (not by boundaries of states)
2) we need to reinvent transportation
3) future is now
1) getting rid of transportation-mode silo mentality (cannot rely just on 1, or 2 modes)
2) engage all modes (don’t chuck capacity improvements)
3) way we finance transportation is broken (gas tax doesn’t have legs; hope it lasts until 2009—our gap in $$ prevents new projects from being developed)
4) Transportation logistics will lead us in the new economy (how do you move people and goods?)
5) recapture rail (ideally high speed)
6) move freight (use the inland rail port in our region—trucks/train connection)
7) need to reinvent for land use/clean air/clean energy/demographics—do you want kids to live here? To get jobs here? Keep young folks here.
8) New Governance system for rail—a sort of Northeast Economic Union
9) Connect with NYC
10) Use technology to maximum advantage.
Jim Repass of the National Corridors Initiative noted that often we hear that “the US is too big for rail”…….but Switzerland has rail…..and Southern New England has a greater population density than Switzerland.
economic development,
transportation summit
Thursday, June 21, 2007
New England Transportation Summit
The Pioneer Valley Advocates for Commuter Rail are glad that state leaders across New England are working together to help address our "transportation crisis."
Here's the information on the summit to be held Friday June 22:
New England Transportation Summit
Friday, June 22, 2007
Historic Springfield City Hall
36 Court Street, Springfield, MA
9:30 a.m. - Speakers Coffee and Donuts: Mayor’s Office, Room 214, Springfield City Hall
10:30 a.m. - Press Briefing: Room 220, City Hall, Media and Public
10:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. - Conference, Room 220, City Hall: All
Speakers· Springfield Mayor Charles V. Ryan (confirmed)·
Massachusetts Lt Gov Tim Murray (confirmed)·
Rhode Island Lt Gov Elizabeth Roberts (confirmed)·
NCI President & CEO Jim RePass (confirmed)·
Lyle Wray, Exec. Director Capitol Region Council of Governments, Hartford (confirmed)·
CT House Speaker Jim Amann (confirmed)·
CT Sen. Chris Dodd (invited)·
Office of VT LG Brian Dubie (confirmed)·
Bombardier Vice President Robert Furniss (confirmed)·
CT Deputy Commissioner for Rail Al Martin (confirmed)·
PVPC Executive Director Tim Brennan (confirmed)·
Patricia Quinn, Executive Director, NNE Passenger Rail Authority (confirmed)·
Kip Bergstrom, Executive Director, RI Economic Policy Council (confirmed)·
Office of NY Lt. Gov David Patterson (confirmed)·
Peter Picknelly, President, Peter Pan Bus Lines (invited)
Directions to Springfield City Hall
From Enfield, Hartford, and other points south:Take I-91 North to Exit 6, onto East Columbus Avenue. After the second light, you will see City/Symphony Hall on your right. I-91 South garage on left, Columbus Ctr. garage 2 blocks on right.
From Holyoke, Northampton, and points north:
Take I-91 South to Exit 7 (Springfield Center). Go through light at end of ramp. Take immediate left into I-91 South garage.
Traveling East or West on Rt.20 or Mass Pike:Take Exit 4 to I-91 South and follow the Holyoke Northampton directions above.
For more information, contact Jim RePass, the National Corridors Initiative
617-269-5478; E-mail address jprepass@nationalcorridors.org www.nationalcorridors.org
SPRINGFIELD, MA --- Senior elected leaders from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York State, and Connecticut, as well as representatives of the transportation and environmental advocacy community, will gather in Springfield June 22 at Springfield City Hall to hear Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Tim Murray address the region on the growing transportation crisis, and how the New England states must work more closely together to solve it.The second in a series of regional summit conferences assembled by the National Corridors Initiative (http://www.nationalcorridors.org/) at the request of the Connecticut state legislature’s leadership, and at the suggestion of CT State Rep. David McCluskey (D-West Hartford), the unprecedented five-state transportation summit (CT, R, MA, VT, and NY) is being hosted by Springfield Mayor Charles V. Ryan.
The conference grew out of a White Paper by NCI calling for a regional New England/New York State entity to tackle infrastructure on a permanent basis.
Here's the information on the summit to be held Friday June 22:
New England Transportation Summit
Friday, June 22, 2007
Historic Springfield City Hall
36 Court Street, Springfield, MA
9:30 a.m. - Speakers Coffee and Donuts: Mayor’s Office, Room 214, Springfield City Hall
10:30 a.m. - Press Briefing: Room 220, City Hall, Media and Public
10:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. - Conference, Room 220, City Hall: All
Speakers· Springfield Mayor Charles V. Ryan (confirmed)·
Massachusetts Lt Gov Tim Murray (confirmed)·
Rhode Island Lt Gov Elizabeth Roberts (confirmed)·
NCI President & CEO Jim RePass (confirmed)·
Lyle Wray, Exec. Director Capitol Region Council of Governments, Hartford (confirmed)·
CT House Speaker Jim Amann (confirmed)·
CT Sen. Chris Dodd (invited)·
Office of VT LG Brian Dubie (confirmed)·
Bombardier Vice President Robert Furniss (confirmed)·
CT Deputy Commissioner for Rail Al Martin (confirmed)·
PVPC Executive Director Tim Brennan (confirmed)·
Patricia Quinn, Executive Director, NNE Passenger Rail Authority (confirmed)·
Kip Bergstrom, Executive Director, RI Economic Policy Council (confirmed)·
Office of NY Lt. Gov David Patterson (confirmed)·
Peter Picknelly, President, Peter Pan Bus Lines (invited)
Directions to Springfield City Hall
From Enfield, Hartford, and other points south:Take I-91 North to Exit 6, onto East Columbus Avenue. After the second light, you will see City/Symphony Hall on your right. I-91 South garage on left, Columbus Ctr. garage 2 blocks on right.
From Holyoke, Northampton, and points north:
Take I-91 South to Exit 7 (Springfield Center). Go through light at end of ramp. Take immediate left into I-91 South garage.
Traveling East or West on Rt.20 or Mass Pike:Take Exit 4 to I-91 South and follow the Holyoke Northampton directions above.
For more information, contact Jim RePass, the National Corridors Initiative
617-269-5478; E-mail address jprepass@nationalcorridors.org www.nationalcorridors.org
SPRINGFIELD, MA --- Senior elected leaders from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York State, and Connecticut, as well as representatives of the transportation and environmental advocacy community, will gather in Springfield June 22 at Springfield City Hall to hear Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Tim Murray address the region on the growing transportation crisis, and how the New England states must work more closely together to solve it.The second in a series of regional summit conferences assembled by the National Corridors Initiative (http://www.nationalcorridors.org/) at the request of the Connecticut state legislature’s leadership, and at the suggestion of CT State Rep. David McCluskey (D-West Hartford), the unprecedented five-state transportation summit (CT, R, MA, VT, and NY) is being hosted by Springfield Mayor Charles V. Ryan.
The conference grew out of a White Paper by NCI calling for a regional New England/New York State entity to tackle infrastructure on a permanent basis.
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